Life is serious but it's also meant to be fun. Through mindful fun activities, we allow ourselves to let go and realign to our authentic nature. From a place of joy, we obtain and rekindle freedom from what has kept us stuck. Stuck in old behaviors, stories, overthinking (what I love to call "stinkin thinkin"). We tune in to our creative potential. We get in tune with our feelings, our hearts and our souls. We become creators rather than sabotagers. We become heroes instead of the victim or tyrant. We create "soul"utions and work in pure "what ifs" and "why nots", "let's do it!".
Have fun uncovering and restoring who you really are and what you're here to do on this Earth. There's so much to hold dear and to be inspired by beauty, love, compassion, gratitude, expression, growth, learning, and stretching oneself out of the box to be courageous with a big heart. This is not a time to play small anymore. The world needs you to be in your power. Find it. Nurture it. Embody it. Have fun exploring and rediscovering you.
* Movement & Laughter
* Nature
* Spiritual Exploration
* Creativity
* Aligned Guests
* Mindful Adventures
Ready to be aligned?
Spiritual Exploration
Guidance. Wisdom. Understanding. Practice.
Unleash the depths of potential.
Aligned Guests
Inspiration and motivation.
Mindful Adventures
Exposure to fun exploration, healthy perspectives and enrichment.
Get in Touch
Tarrytown, NY 10591
Linda@SoulisticAdventures.com / Tel. 917-774-6035
Interested in customized programs for your organization or event, want to be a Mindful Guest speaker or future contributor to any program category?
Please fill out the form below and we'll be in touch.
Thank you for your interest in co-creating a mindful happy world that thrives!