Linda Parker
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
A second home to Linda is Rockefeller State Park Preserve which is in her local area. It was a natural fit to become a volunteer Guardian of the Preserve which she began in January 2021. The Guardians Program is a dedicated group who commit to weekly trail patrols and help with light maintenance and overall protection of the Preserve. Guardians contribute to the enjoyment of visitors by encouraging and engaging them to understand the purpose of the Preserve and its varied offerings.
Learn more here.
Linda is a member of the Friends of the Rockefeller State Park Preserve and commits to personally donating yearly. Her plans are to additionally donate on an annual basis a portion of proceeds from Soulistic Adventures at year end.
Friends of the Rockefeller State Park Preserve was formed to support and encourage public participation in the Rockefeller State Park Preserve lands, to protect its wildlife and habitats, and to sustain its historical and archeological features. Further, the mission of the Friends is to help restore and maintain the unique system of carriage roads and pastoral landscapes and to support educational programs and passive recreation such as horseback riding, fishing, hiking, jogging, and photography in a tranquil setting.
Learn more here.
Giving back to your local community is always rewarding. There are many opportunities to explore wherever you live. As a path to live in alignment with your authentic nature, I encourage finding where you can offer some kind of service or support towards maintaining the wellbeing of Mother Earth. It's a win/win and essential to our own wellbeing.

taken by Linda Parker