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Unwind and heal naturally with authentic movement and laughter.

There is nothing more freeing than to allow yourself to connect to your feelings expressed through how your body moves and how your laughter flows. It helps us get out of our critical minds and into the natural flow of our own rhythms. Get in alignment by letting go of the boundaries. Express yourself naturally!

Soulistic FlowFusion


There are numerous movement styles and dance forms to enjoy.

Movement is important for our bodies.

It is also important for our souls.

Movement is a pathway to personal freedom found in the depths of our souls allowing self-expression in ways that words just can't do justice.

This motion allows flow, and in the flow, realigns with the joy of being our authentic selves.

Nia returns tonight with my Soulistic Nia Dance class debut at The Tarrytown Recreation Ce

What is Soulistic FlowFusion?

Soulistic FlowFusion is an opportunity to get connected to the joy of the flow of one's internal compass through expressive movement, play and dance.

With a variety of music that "moves" the soul, participants are lightly guided to tap into their own natural rhythms and spontaneous flow. It's about fun, personal expression, and connecting the power of one's authentic self.

Lightly guided, the class moves from a soft warm up through a range of motivational and vibrational music, evoking a blend of spontaneous movement and dance styles, freedance, laughter, artistic play with props (i.e. hula hoops, scarves, stability balls, rhythmic ribbons), light strength exercises and cool down with stretching.


Move into the power of your authentic self!



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Laughter is medicine for the soul. Experience how laughing for no reason can create a healthier, happier life.  A guaranteed belly workout that will leave you feeling great!

What's Laughter Yoga?

The invitation is to “laugh for no reason“, faking it until it becomes real. The body will benefit from laughter regardless if it's real or contrived.

It’s All about the Breath

The connection between laughter and yoga is the breath (not contortions or fancy movements found in a regular yoga class). According to yogic philosophy, we are alive because the energy of life, prana, enters our body through the breath. From a medical perspective, the most important component of breath is oxygen. Laughter Yoga exercises (laughter & breathing) bring more oxygen to our body and brain.

How? A prolonged voluntary practice of Laughter Yoga helps us to exhale double the amount of air than we inhale. This means laughter exercises can be compared to any other aerobic exercise, which increases the heart rate and blood circulation and also improves oxygenation. 

How does Laughter Yoga work?
Laughter Yoga combines interactive laughter exercises with deep centering breaths and gentle movements. It is a joyful, playful way to connect with others and laugh away stress and negative thinking.
Laughter is stimulated without relying on humor, jokes or comedy. Simple child-like silliness can often ignite the chuckle button. A Laughter Yoga session is initiated typically in a group incorporating guided  laughter exercises, clapping, eye contact and child-like playfulness. The "simulated" laughter soon turns into real, spontaneous and contagious laughter increasing oxygen to our body and brain, lifting our spirits, spreading joy and good vibes to ourselves and others. A total win/win.


Open for all ages and abilities and can be modified to serve various  populations.

Laughter for healing, wellness, joy, stress relief, all-around good health and vibrations! Available for your event, breakout session (corporate, retreats, organizations), special occasions, etc.

Benefits of laughter include:

Laughter releases endorphins, giving us the 'feel good factor

Acts as aerobic exercise and is like 'internal jogging'

Unleashes inhibitions, breaks down barriers

Great team building tool encourages better communication

Helps boost our immune system which helps us resist disease;

Tones muscles, improves respiration and circulation

Encourages positive thinking and creativity

Relaxes the whole body by reducing stress and tension

A Moment of Laughter - Linda Parker

Certified Laughter Yoga Leader

Charter Member of the Laughter Yoga USA

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Women's Retreat in Connecticut - Nov 2019
Presented Laughter Yoga 
Corporate Laughter Hike for Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
July 2019
Nature Inspired Laughter, Movement & Expression
The Center at Mariandale, Ossining, New York
May 26, 2018
World Laughter Day Hike
Rockefeller State Park Preserve
May 6, 2018
Laughter Yoga Class
March 3, 2018
The Center at Mariandale, Ossining, New York
Laughter Hike May 7, 2017
Celebrating World Laughter Day
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